7 Clever Questions to Ask the Neighbours Before Buying A Home

Your trusted real estate agent can basically tell you anything you need to know about the home you're planning to buy, especially if it’s information that may affect the home’s marketability.

Finding your dream home is no easy feat. From selecting a safe, welcoming neighbourhood with plenty of amenities to choosing the perfect fit for you and your family - it's not just about what's best now but something that can last for years! Finding place where you feel comfortable isn't always simple...but when done right, there’s nothing like being able to call somewhere ‘home'.

After looking up the area’s demographics, its latest crime rates, local events and school districts online, talking to the current residents can validate your research and will help you get an accurate feel of the neighbourhood. Neighbours can also potentially share solid facts that the seller might have forgotten to mention, or purposely didn’t disclose. Your conversation with them may help you avoid making a big buying mistake and move into a neighborhood that can make you miserable in the future. Because aside from your local real estate agent, no one probably knows the area better than they do.

Introducing yourself to the people in your new neighbourhood is one of the best ways to get a real feel for where you're living. Chat with them and ask questions - they'll be able to give insight into what it's like there, so even after moving in, keep up that connection! It will help inform your experience as a local resident.
But what questions to ask your neighbors?

Questions to Ask Neighbours Before Buying a House:

Greeting your new neighbours? Why not ask them something a bit more creative than the usual "How long have you lived here?". Ask about their favorite neighbourhood spots, and what it's like to live in the area. It helps get conversations flowing — plus learning all these details gives you unique insights into life in that neighbourhood!

If more of the locals are talking about what they love than don't like, then you can assume that neighbourhood is relatively prosperous. Just keep in mind - looks can be deceiving. The insiders know best here, so their opinion matters most!

Residents of the area are wise to give you a heads up on any combined gripes they have - it could save you some aggravation when considering buying! See what everyday annoyance or common concerns might give your future homeownership plan a bumpy ride.

When you're hunting for the perfect home, safety might be a primary concern. Sure, online research can tell you some of what's going on in your neighbourhood but it won't provide insight into the real scene. That’s where locals come in – they are an invaluable source of information to help determine if anything needs further inspection before committing to that dream house.

It's good to be in the know before you move somewhere new. Before packing up your things and taking off, inquire around about life in the neighborhood: are there issues with loitering or vandalism? Are fights breaking out often? Do stray dogs roam free on the streets? How does everyone respond when a crime pops up - is it all hands-on deck for safety purposes or do people remain indifferent towards what happens around them? Is it safe enough at night for evening strolls without security systems installed, and can kids safely play outside without someone constantly watching over them (because let’s face it – that makes a huge difference!)

One of the social benefits of homeownership is community involvement. Homeowners are more likely to participate in civic groups and tend to be more involved in their communities. Find out what your future 'hood has to offer by asking the neighbors! See if they get together for barbeques, festivals and dinner parties, or keep up with local activities at neighborhood meetings and farmers markets. Knowing how much connection there is between families can help you decide whether this area's right for you.

You've probably toured the place with your agent multiple times at different hours to really make sure that everything is absolutely perfect. You’ve already driven to the places that you will most likely visit often, like the grocery store, the schools, clinics, nearby restaurants and cinemas, etc. However, asking the locals about what the traffic is like during rush hour could give you more insight of the daily road situation. You also need to know the transportation options available in the area; whether there is a reliable public transport; the road conditions during particular seasons; if there are enough parking spaces, and any truthful information that will help you determine how much time you might spend on the road and how quickly you’ll get around to and from your home.

If you're single or a couple without kids, investing in property near top-rated school districts can be hugely lucrative. Not only will your home appreciate in value over time, but it'll also have great resale potential when the time comes to move on. For families with young children though, schools should certainly factor into buying decisions – after all; safety and opportunity are just as important as getting a good return!

The internet may provide some information about schools, but if you really want to know what it's like for kids enrolled in local ones, the best way is getting a firsthand account from those who have been there. You can discover how students benefit from unique learning opportunities and extra-curricular activities.

After asking insightful questions concerning the neighborhood, it's best to also glean information about your prospective property. Neighbors might be willing to reveal more about the specific home — especially things that weren’t included in the disclosure.

When you're house hunting, it's vital to uncover any potential problems the seller may have neglected to mention - like a high water table or damage caused by storms and floods. But don't forget, your realtor can also provide alluring tidbits about the home that make it unique! They might even explain why this specific property is on sale in the first place.

Talking to neighbors might be a great way to give yourself an edge in your house hunt. Connecting with them can help you get some insider info, but it’s important not to let the seller's relationships influence how they respond - make sure you ask different people and compare their answers for a well-rounded picture of what life on that street is like!

Don't let your home-buying journey be a leap of faith - talk to the people around you! A few quick conversations with neighbors could save you from making an expensive, long-term mistake and ensure that you end up somewhere where you fit right in. Make sure you set aside some time to talk to your neighbors next time you attend an open house.

If it’s your first-time buying a house, and looking for an expert advice, we at Santa Sells Houses can provide all your much needed help and guidance. Contact us and let’s get in touch. Our professional real estate agents can help make your house-hunting journey a wonderful journey worth remembering.