Home Sellers: Don't Be Guilty Of These 5 Home Inspection Mistakes

Want to make sure your home is in top-notch condition before you put it on the market? Put aside a little bit of time and effort for an inspection – without breaking the bank. Not only will this process give potential buyers (and yourself) peace of mind, but by helping out during the process, any issues can be dealt with quickly so that everyone's happy!

If you are considering selling your home, it's a good idea to let a professional take an in-depth look. Home inspectors not only cover the whole property inside and out, they also provide advice on any repairs or improvements that might be needed - plus spot issues which may have previously gone unrecognized by yourself or potential buyers. This could give you valuable insight into the state of your home before putting it up for sale; ensuring everyone involved is aware of what needs doing!

Here are five mistakes you shouldn't make as a home seller, and how to avoid them:

“I did not prep the house for inspection!”

An inspection isn't a test; it's more of an exploration. It's your opportunity to identify any repairs that need attention before the buyer purchases the home, so both parties can rest easy knowing they won't be surprised by anything during or after closing.

Make sure you are aware of the state your home is in before signing any agreements - as major fixtures such as floors and roofs could be due for a renovation. It's usually the seller who covers these costs, so consider adding this to your contract if there does happen to need some TLC!

There are several things you can do to prepare for an inspection without spending a dime. To start with, make sure that your pets are secured and not running around the house. Be certain that all utilities are working, as well as your lighting. Be sure to keep your attic, crawl space, and other doors that need to be accessed unlocked. It is necessary to remove the electrical panel cover and the furnace cover in order to check them. Ensure that controls for amenities are easily identifiable (e.g. label them) so inspectors can tell which one to use.

Inspectors prefer that the owner of the house is not inside of it while they conduct the inspection, so you need to do these things mentioned in order to make sure that the process goes smoothly for them.

“I underestimated minor fixtures.”

When it comes time to sell your home, don't let a pile of minor fix-ups get in the way. All those little repairs can add up and make an important impression on both house inspectors and potential buyers!

Remember: The inspector will take note of ALL the issues in your home, even the minor ones.

Taking a little time to check fixtures around the house can save you both money and headaches. Pop open that toolbox, take inventory of your knobs, sockets, light bulbs (and make sure all are in working condition), along with any rusting gutters or known leaks under sinks or faucets. It's worth it too inspect electrical outlets as well as testing smoke detectors and flushes when necessary - plus don't forget about giving the garage door an extra once-over just to ensure its built safety features hold up!

Your home will look better to the inspector and to potential buyers if you fix minor fixtures early.

“The house was so messy and full of clutter!”

You don't want to have your inspector remove your dirty laundry from your washing machine or your dryer. Take care of those before inspection, as well as other unnecessary stuff that could obstruct ease of access throughout the entire house. 

Also, make it a point that your oven and stove top are clear and clean so that the inspector can test them without setting off the smoke alarm.

“I tried to conceal defects  to no avail!”

Home inspectors are professionals. They are trained to spot defects no matter how good you manage to hide them. They may even take note on their report that you did, so it's best just to be honest. Don’t take the risk of losing your buyer’s confidence.

Keep in mind that the home inspection is not a warranty since the home inspector is only there for a couple of hours, without knowledge of the home and its systems of being built — so he/she has no idea about any quality control processes. One way to address this is that you file all the reports and receipts on the maintenance and repairs that your home has undergone, including annual or semi-annual inspections or repairs for your furnace, roof, chimney, etc. If you've had an insurance claim on your house, keep those documents together, too, so you have proof that you took care of the issue.

“I skipped home inspection!”

Possibly the biggest mistake any seller can make regarding home inspection is skipping the process entirely. Your buyer will have it inspected anyway, and this may leave you with little or no time to address the issues on your own time and budget.

It's always better to have an inspection prior to negotiations, or a pre-listing inspection. This is a win-win for you and your buyer — and will save you from a lot of trouble and inconveniences in the long run. By having your home inspected early, you can prep your house better and be more confident in selling it at the price you want, and the buyer will be at peace knowing that the home he or she is buying is in its best form.