Home Viewing Etiquette For Buyers

The search for your dream home starts with the hunt! Be prepared to check out plenty of properties before you find "the one". But remember, a strong offer isn't the only thing that sellers take into account - they're also looking at who's courteous and respectful in an open house. Not sure what impression you made? No need to worry if it was on point--it could be just enough to give you (and not another buyer) those coveted keys.

How should a buyer act during an open house?

We can all agree that any buyer would love the idea of getting a great deal, but arrogance and poor etiquette can sometimes enter the equation when the buyer is too focused on getting what he or she wants.

Let us give you a quick reminder of open house etiquette before you walk through the door.

1. Get pre-approved.

Before diving into the home-buying process, make sure to get pre-approved for a loan from your lender. Otherwise, you may be on a wild goose chase - and no seller wants that. A quick mortgage check can save valuable time for everyone involved!

In many cases, sellers will not entertain buyers without a mortgage pre-approval as proof of their financial capabilities.

2. Be on time.

Showing up on time for a home viewing isn't just polite—it's respectful! While the occasional delay is inevitable, sudden changes to meeting times can be disruptive and disrespectful if serious preparations were made. And when it comes down to private viewings in particular? It pays to honor your commitments - after all, sellers usually make some effort ahead of schedule too.

3. Leave nothing, not even footprints.

You can expect a sparkling, squeaky-clean home when you visit - and we'd love it if you could leave the place just as cozy and welcoming for whoever visits after. It's only fair!

When you visit a home for sale, it's easy to forget the little things. Make sure your shoes won't leave any marks on the floor and check in with either the seller or realtor about where best to wipe off dirt before entering--or just take them off at the door! And don't worry -- they'll probably offer some refreshments anyway.

4. Limit the entourage.

As exciting as a family field trip to check out potential dream homes may seem, it's probably advisable for your kids to sit this one out. Their well-meanings screams and messes aren't the best impression when trying to envision yourself in these houses! So why not wait until you've narrowed down some of your choices before heading into an open house with the whole gang.

5. Keep rude comments to yourself.

It's totally understandable if you're not a fan of certain elements in the house, but it might be best to keep your opinions about taste and style on lockdown. It definitely isn't worth risking hurting someone else's feelings by pointing out why their wall colors or artwork don't quite align with yours – just remember that these are all things that can always change once you buy the place!

6. Take nothing but photos (but ask permission first).

It's always important to be mindful of other people's privacy when viewing a home, so you'll want to exercise caution before taking pictures. It goes without saying that whatever is inside should stay there; as for your children, try your best keep an eye on their curiosity! If the sellers are still living in the dwelling - just shoot them a friendly question first and take photos accordingly. That way everyone stays happy all around!

7. Don’t overstay your welcome.

When you check out potential new homes, it's important to go in with a plan! Have an idea of what areas or features are most important for you and your family before you get there. You can also make sure that your visit is as respectful as possible – give yourself 45 minutes (or 1 hour tops) so the seller doesn't feel like their time has been wasted during the home selling process.

Ready to score your dream home? Open houses are an excellent way to explore different properties and get a sense of what may be the perfect fit. Now that you're armed with all the proper etiquette, it's time for some house-hunting! If you’re ready to visit open houses, start now by hiring top-rated real estate agents in London here at Santa Sells Houses to help you find the home you’re looking for. Contact us today!