Southcrest Neighborhood Real Estate Market Stats: London, Ontario

Looking for London Ontario real estate market stats specific to the neighbourhood of Southcrest? You've come to the right place! In this blog post, we will provide an overview of the Southcrest housing market - including statistics on home prices, sales, and days on market. Whether you're a buyer or seller in Southcrest, this information will be valuable to you!

The London, Ontario real estate market has been quite strong in recent years, and Southcrest is no exception. Home prices in the neighbourhood have increased significantly, and homes are selling relatively quickly. In 2021, the average home price in Southcrest was $326,500 - a significant increase from the previous year's average of $310,868. Homes are also selling fairly quickly; on average, homes in Southcrest spend just 18 days on the market before being sold.

If you're thinking of buying or selling a home in Southcrest London Ontario, it's important to be aware of these trends. Prices are rising and homes are selling fast - so you'll need to act quickly if you want to take advantage of this market! Thanks for reading, and we hope this information was helpful.

Check out listings in Southcrest!

Median Price of Homes for Sale in Southcrest

Average Price of a Home for Sale in Southcrest

Number of Homes Sold in Southcrest

Average Days on Market in Southcrest

Months Supply of Homes for Sale in Southcrest