Our Top Tips For Moving With Children

Moving is always a bit of a stressful experience. Packing up your life and transporting it to a whole new location always comes with a few bumps and challenges along the way. Moving with children can be an even more demanding experience, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. Check out our tips to make the process a little easier.

Before The Move

Before you put your house up on the market or find your new home, there are a few steps that you can take to help make the transition easier for your kids.

Start Talking Early

Start talking to your children about the move as early as possible. You can start small by talking about when you were young and moved to a different home. Then start talking to them about the exciting opportunity you have to move to a new home. This will give them time to process their emotions and ask any questions they may have. Make sure to encourage them to talk about how their feeling and validate any emotions that they might have. it’s perfectly normal for them to feel nervous or excited or both!

Highlight The Positives

When discussing the move with your children, focus on the positive aspects. Emphasize the exciting new opportunities and experiences that await them in the new location. Kids pick up on a lot at home, so make sure that whenever you’re talking about the move to others to highlight the good things about the move and emphasize the things you’re looking forward to whenever little ones are within earshot.

Hire A Professional

You want to make sure that your new home is in a neighbourhood where your family will thrive. Hire a real estate agent to help with the home-buying process. A good agent will be able to help you find a home that fits your needs and budget, in a neighbourhood that is perfect for your family.

Once You Find Your Home

Once you know where you’re going to be moving, it’s time to get your kids ready and prepared to leave their current home and feel comfortable in their new surroundings. Here are a few tips that can help.

Get Excited About The Neighbourhood

Take your children on a tour of the new home and neighbourhood before you move in. Walk the streets, visit local parks and playgrounds, and even check out and enjoy a nearby restaurant or pizza place that could potentially be a new family favourite. This will give them a chance to see their new surroundings and start getting excited about the move.

Say Goodbye

Don't forget to say goodbye to your old home and neighbourhood. Take a walk through the neighbourhood with your children, and allow them to say goodbye to any friends or special places they may be leaving behind. Make it special by ordering or cooking their favourite meal and doing something that they love doing. Let them know that it’s okay if they’re feeling sad, that those sad feelings just mean that your home held a lot of really great memories, but that your new home has a ton more exciting memories for all of you to make together.

Preparing For The Big Move

Getting ready for moving is a LOT of work. You’ll be busy finding boxes, de-cluttering, selling furniture, packing and organizing when you’re getting ready for the big move. (More tips on that here). Because your home will be in disarray while you’re prepping, your kids might be feeling anxious or stressed. These tips can help.

Get Them Involved

Involve your children in the planning and packing process. Give them a say in what goes in their boxes, and allow them to help pack their own belongings. This will give them a sense of control over the situation and help them feel more invested in the move.

Spend Special Time With Them

To help ease the stress and anxiety that a move can have on kids, try to plan special time with your kids. Do some family time or even one-on-one time.

Don’t Go It Alone

Don't be afraid to ask for help! Moving can be overwhelming, especially with children in tow. Ask friends or family members to help out on moving day. Having someone to watch the kids while you’re lugging around boxes or putting together furniture can reduce your stress levels a ton.

Try To time It On A Break

If possible, try to schedule the move during a time when your children are on break from school. This will make it easier for them to adjust to their new environment and will give them time to make new friends. It can also help if you’re not disrupting a school week routine for your move.

Pack A First Night Box

Make sure to pack a "first night" box for each child. This should include all the essentials they'll need for the first night in their new home, such as pyjamas, toiletries, and favourite toys. This will help them feel more comfortable in their new surroundings.

On The Big Day

Moving day is never fun and always at least a little stressful, but with a bit of planning you can make it go as smoothly as possible for your family.

Create A Play Space

Set up a designated play area for your children on moving day. This will give them a place to go and play while you're busy with the move.

Take A Dedicated Break

Plan for some downtime on moving day. Even with all the excitement, moving can be tiring for kids. Make sure to schedule some breaks for rest and relaxation.

Keep Your Important Things On Hand

Don't forget to pack important documents and phone numbers separately and then keep them with you on moving day. Keep a list of important phone numbers, such as your child's doctor and school, as well as important documents and items like birth certificates and passports.

By following these tips, you can make the process of moving with children a little smoother and less stressful. Good luck with your move!