Leveraging Your Database: with Locorum Pro

As professionals in the real estate industry, we understand the significance in developing and leveraging your database helps to nurture your current leads and boost home sales. We are constantly thinking of new and innovative ways to drive home sales in today’s competitive real estate market. Your database is the key to your entire career.  Today’s blog will discuss how to unlock the potential of your existing database and turn old or past leads into a new opportunity.

Locorum Pro

To help us with this, we use Locorum Pro, a MasterCard- backed referral program, designed to tap into your existing database and generate buyer and seller leads through a referral rewards program. If this process sounds daunting, don’t worry. You won’t be navigating this alone.A dedicated account manager will be at your side, ensuring you maximize the full potential of your account. The setup process takes around 30 minutes, and we have attached a video introduction below to give you further information. 

On average, Locorum Pro can save new home builders around $16,000 per home by bringing them direct buyer leads through their past build clients, personal database and vendor partners, as opposed to more costly traditional routes. 

Locorum Pro: How it Works

The premise of Locorum pro is simple: reward your database contacts for successful referrals. As an example. Suppose John, a contact already in your database, refers to Jane, and Jane ends up purchasing a home, and the deal closes. In this case, both John and Jane will receive $3,000 in Locorum rewards. The deal must close for the rewards to be awarded. When people are incentivized with cash, people are more motivated to take action, resulting in increased outcomes. 

The Locorum Pro Program is completely customizable to suit your needs. With lots of room for flexibility, you have the power to design your reward program. You decide the amount and define how it works. You can tailor the program to fit your business model and better align with your clients.

Want to learn more?

Want to learn more about how Locorum Pro can help leverage your database and increase more client leads? Book a demo with Carlon at the link here. Alternatively, you can also reach out to us at the contact information below. Don’t forget to join the Locorum community today and start earning rewards on your home purchase. You're not just buying a home; you're investing in your future. Let Locorum and the Santa Sells Houses Real Estate Team help you make the most of it.